Troubleshooting CephFS CSI
I’ve been dealing with issues using CephFS-backed PVs on my home K8S cluster for a while now. The volumes provision just fine, but
when the first consumer pod goes to mount them, it’ll get stuck in ContainerCreating
Looking at events with k describe pod $pod
or k events
, I’d see instances of this:
Warning FailedMount 97s (x5 over 13m) kubelet (combined from similar events): MountVolume.MountDevice failed for volume
"pvc-cb59b36c-5f85-48cb-9ded-13e5bcb6dbac" : rpc error: code = Internal desc = an error (exit status 32) occurred while
running mount args:
[-t ceph,,
-o name=kubernetes,secretfile=/tmp/csi/keys/keyfile-2403993821,mds_namespace=k8s-cephfs,ms_mode=secure,_netdev]
stderr: unable to get monitor info from DNS SRV with service name: ceph-mon
2024-03-27T01:53:00.361+0000 7f0a183420c0 -1 failed for service _ceph-mon._tcp
mount error: no mds server is up or the cluster is laggy
and looking at the node running that pod, I’d see the following in dmesg
[2089407.275648] libceph: mon0 (2) server is speaking msgr1 protocol
[2089408.299738] libceph: mon0 (2) server is speaking msgr1 protocol
[2089409.579749] libceph: mon1 (2) server is speaking msgr1 protocol
[2089409.831836] libceph: mon1 (2) server is speaking msgr1 protocol
[2089410.348331] libceph: mon1 (2) server is speaking msgr1 protocol
This had flummoxed me for a while and become one of those on-again-off-again troubleshooting issues that I seem to collect. I’d mostly worked around the issue by no longer using CephFS volumes, which was subpar. Note that I am not using Rook – I run a Ceph cluster on my Proxmox hosts and make that available to my k8s cluster via CephFS and RBD CSI plugins deployed manually.
Kagiing1 this issue yielded…nothing helpful. One thing I can tell you is this:
stderr: unable to get monitor info from DNS SRV with service name: ceph-mon
is a useless generic error. This message
appears whenever pretty much anything has gone wrong with a Ceph CSI mount. If you see it, ignore it.
The msgr1 protocol
message also seemed to be irrelevant, of course that port’s speaking msgr1!
Well, ackshually…the msgr1 protocol
message was the key. You see, somehow the CephFS StorageClass had gotten an extra mount
option. It had ms_mode=secure
set. That was causing it to try to speak msgr2
to the Ceph mons, which wouldn’t answer msgr2
on the msgr1
The “somehow” bit is still a bit confusing. I don’t know where it came from – I’m pretty sure it was never part of the setup steps (not
that those are super concise, but I should put my PRs where my mouth is). The StorageClass definition in my cluster is in source control
and managed by ArgoCD. While of course most of the storageclass.spec
fields are immutable after creation, the yaml file in my repo
did not have the ms_mode=secure
mount option set! I would expect Argo to throw a hissy fit that a resource was out of sync, but that
didn’t happen either.
So I ended up having to delete the StorageClass in-cluster and re-apply from the yaml file. Yes, this seems to be safe to do. Yes, I’m a K8S expert. No, I’m not your K8S expert, don’t delete random things in a cluster without a good backup strategy.
Incidentally, this fixed Velero backups for my couple of outstanding CephFS volumes that were mysteriously still working.
Another Related Issue
I had a related issue some time ago with similar symptoms but different errors. I didn’t think to note it down then, but it seems relevant to at least call out in the hope it is a spark of insight for anyone else experiencing it.
It was more-or-less this issue which manifests similarly with the useless red herring
stderr: unable to get monitor info from DNS SRV with service name: ceph-mon
The problem here was in a removed mountOption
that called for debug
…and its solution
Remove all mountOptions
from your CephFS StorageClass, and update your existing PVs using something like this:
# Get a list of PVs with the csi-cephfs-sc storage class. Adjust to your needs.
PVs=$(kubectl get pv -o=jsonpath='{.items[?(@.spec.storageClassName=="csi-cephfs-sc")]}')
for pv in $PVs; do
# Use kubectl patch to remove the spec.mountOptions field.
kubectl patch pv $pv --type=json -p='[{"op": "remove", "path": "/spec/mountOptions"}]'
CephFS does not need any mountOptions
on its StorageClass. Remove them. Remove them from your PVs if need be.
Like Googling, but better in every way. ↩︎